Be on the Alert!

When I am told to be on the alert, my first thought is that there is an immanent danger of some kind. It makes me perk up all of my senses to be ready for something to happen to me or those around me. This is what happens when there is a tornado alert. We get to a safe place and prepare for what might come. Well, the Bible commands us to be on the alert for something every day. 

Matthew 24 is called the " Little Apocalypse."  It is a one chapter summary of what will happen at the end of time when we will have the Great Tribulation. This will occur after Jesus comes to Rapture the believers out of the world and take them to heaven. (Matthew 24:42) Therefore, we are commanded to be on the alert, because we do not know which day our Lord is coming. What are we supposed to be doing?

Of course, the first thing we must do to be prepared for the coming of the Lord is to trust Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. If we do not do that before He returns, we will be left behind to suffer the terrible events of the Tribulation, and we will miss our opportunity to be saved and go to heaven. Therefore, please make that decision today.

Also, we must be ready to go to the Mercy Seat Judgment and give an account of our life to Jesus. We will go over every action we did and every word we ever said. We will have to tell Jesus why we were not obedient, or we will be commended for our faithfulness. Therefore, every day we are to be on the alert, watching for what Jesus calls us to do, so we can do it well, and watching for the temptations to sin and refusing to give in. That takes being on the alert all of the time.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 25-28. 

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