Interceding for Sinners
We are all sinners. Some of us are sinners saved by grace, but we have all sinned. We have fallen short of what God demands of us. He wants us to turn to Him in faith, so we can be saved from our sins by His grace. Many of the people of this world do not realize that as the solution to their problem. They just want to be good and work for their salvation which never works.
The people of Israel knew they were sinners, but they did not know how to avoid God's anger. He had sent poisonous snakes into the camp, and all who were bitten died. (Numbers 21:7) So the people came to Moses. They told him that they had sinned by speaking against God and Moses. They pleaded with Moses to intercede with God and ask God to remove the serpents from them. Then, Moses interceded for them. Because of Moses' intercession, God gave them His solution, and they were saved from death.
We, as Christians, need to be earnestly interceding for the people around us who do not know the Lord. They know they are suffering, and they know they do not have peace in their hearts. They are looking in all the wrong places for relief, so it never comes. We know the Lord, and we know the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to pray for them.
God's solution for the people of Israel was to simply look at a bronze serpent put up on a pole by Moses. If they believed God and looked at the serpent, they were healed by God's grace. The people today need the same type of faith in God. They need to simply trust Jesus, turning from their sins, and turning to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then, God will give them life eternal and abundant.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 22-24.