The Repopulation of the Earth
One of the saddest conditions we find in our cultures on earth is the presence of racism. If people knew the Lord and believed the Bible, we would not have any prejudice against any group of people. God loves everyone, and that is what He wants us to do. He populated the whole earth from one family after the flood, so we are all related to each other. It is my prayer for us to end prejudice in our hearts.
The Bible explains the repopulation of the earth very clearly. (Genesis 9:18-19) The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth; and Ham was the father of Canaan. These were the sons of Noah and from these the whole earth was populated. God had already planned this before He sent the flood on the earth, so mankind could have a new start.
Noah and his wife had three sons. They were married, and the whole family worked together to build the ark which kept them safe from the flood which covered all the dry land, even the mountains, and killed all of the living beings on the land, except the ones taken into the ark. Therefore, from those on the ark the earth was replenished with animals and people.
We do not know the physical traits of Noah and his family, but we are sure that all of the people alive today came from them. Therefore, in God's wisdom He used their DNA to produce all of the varieties of skin color and other physical attributes which we see today. We are all the same family, we just have special characteristics to distinguish us. What a glorious way that the Lord brought variety into mankind. Let's celebrate it, not allow it to separate us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 10-12.