The Land for Abraham's Descendants
It is a very special privilege to be able to give something to our descendants. This happens a lot of times when we die, and we have designated things for them in our will. However, we can do it at any time to be a blessing to them. That is what God did for the descendants of Abram or Abraham. He gave them the land of Canaan long before they moved into the Promised Land.
The Bible is clear about how this happened. (Genesis 12:7) The Lord appeared to Abram and said, "To your descendants I will give this land." So Abram built and altar there to the Lord who had appeared to him. Abram realized what a blessing God had bestowed on His family, so he worshiped Him. His descendants are still thanking God for this land today.
Of course, there is a dispute over who should really live in the land of Israel today. The Palestinians claim the land because they were in the land before the Jews returned to the land in 1948. This was after the holocaust when so many Jews were killed by the Nazi's. The world restored them to the land because they had suffered so much.
However, we know that the Palestinians did not have the land in the beginning. It was given to the Jews by God, and they took over the land at His command after the Exodus from Egypt in about 1400 BC. That is long before the Palestinians had any claim on the land. Unfortunately, the Jews were scattered over the world because of exile and persecution before they came back in 1948. I believe they will stay in the land until Jesus comes back to set up His throne in Jerusalem.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 13-16.