The Birth of Jesus
We are finally to the New Testament in our daily readings. The New Testament is all about Jesus, even though the Whole Old Testament points to Him, too. We see how Jesus came into this world, what He did in His life, and how He left this world to go back to heaven. To say the least, He was totally unique in every way.
Matthew sets the stage for Jesus. (Matthew 1:18) He gives us the details of how and when Jesus was came. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph, but before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. That created a complicated situation for us to consider.
God put a lot of stress on Mary and Joseph by having her get pregnant after their engagement, but before their marriage. This required them to trust the Lord fully and to ignore what other people said about them. We all need to exercise that kind of faith in the lord, no matter what He asks us to do. Then, He can and will do miracles.
This was even a problem for Jesus. People accused Him of being an illegitimate child. They could not believe a virgin could have a baby. However, for Jesus to be God and Man this was the only way. Also, for Him to have no sinful nature this was necessary. So everyone had to decide if Jesus was the Messiah sent from God or not. We have to make the same decision today, 2,000 years later. I pray you have put your trust in Him once and for all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 3-5.