The Lord's Holy Day
We all should have one day each week that is set aside from the rest. God commanded us to do this, because He knew it would help us in our life. We all need a rest from our regular routine, and we need a time to focus on the Lord. After all, it is the Lord who made us, and He is the One who can save us from our sins. He deserves our attention.
God explained it to Isaiah very well. (Isaiah 58:13) He told us to keep the Sabbath holy. We must not pursue our own interests on that day, but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it as the Lord's holy day. We are to honor the Sabbath in everything we do on that day, and we must not follow our own desires or talk idly that day. I'd say God made it clear, wouldn't you?
Of course, the Sabbath for us, as believers, is Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead. Each and every week we need to remember His death and resurrection for our salvation, and we need to spend time drawing near to God, so we don't drift from Him. It should be the day of the week we enjoy as we get to worship with other believers.
We should speak of Sunday with delight as the Lord's holy day. Then, since this day is holy, we should do everything we do that day to honor the Sabbath. We don't just go to church for an hour or two. It is a holy day, a day not to do our desires or just engage in idle talk. There are eternal things to do and to consider each week. I pray we will all benefit from the Sabbath as God designed us to do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 60-62.