Plowing Our Heart

 One of the worst conditions anyone can have is to have a hard heart. If we allow our heart to get hard, we could be too stubborn to receive Christ and end up in hell. Even if we are a believer, a hard heart will keep us from experiencing all that the Lord has for us. It is imperative for us to do whatever it takes to maintain a soft, pliable heart.

That is what God told the people of Judah and Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 4:3) God said, "Plow up the hard ground of your hearts. Do not waste your good seed among the thorns." This is a profound truth. It reminds us of the truths in Jesus' parable of the Sower pertaining to the soil of our hearts.

For us to bear the fruit God wants us to bear in our lives, we must allow the seed of the Word of God to be planted deeply into our hearts. We must do what all farmers do before they plant their crops. We must plow up the hard ground of our heart by asking the Holy Spirit to show us any sins we need to confess and repent of, so they will be gone. That will make us ready to receive the Word.

Also, we need to plow deeply, so the roots of God's Word can sink in deeply and bear fruit. We don't want to waste good seed on shallow soil or soil with thorns and weeds. Therefore, we must stay away from the cares of this world that would choke out the Word and cause us to forget what we have read and learned. We must do everything to cultivate our hearts daily to receive all God has for us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 6-9.

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