Stay Strong!
Sometimes our faith is very strong. We can trust God for anything and all things. Other times, our faith is shaken by trials, and we begin to doubt what God will do or can do. It is at those times we need a brother or sister in Christ to come alongside us and lift us up by the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through them to encourage us to stay strong in our faith.
That is what Jonathan did for his dear friend David, when David was having to flee for his life, because King Saul was jealous and wanted to kill him. (I Samuel 23:16) Jonathan actually had to go and find David in his wilderness hiding place. When he found his friend he encouraged David to stay strong in his faith in God. What a wonderful example of a good friend in the Lord!
I wonder when we last had to go and find another believer because God had laid that person on our heart? No matter how long it has been, we need to stay ready to hear from the Lord and go at a moment's notice to lift up our friend. It could make a great difference in their life. God could use us to deliver them from having a failure of their faith.
For us to be ready to be an encourager, like Jonathan, we must stay close to the Lord every day. We must be praying for God to use us to help others. Then, we must be sensitive to others because of what we know about their circumstances. They may need physical, mental, or spiritual help. When we show up and help them, we are God's servant, and their faith in the Lord is increased, because they know God sent us to help right at the correct moment. Let's determine to help others stay strong in their faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 24-26.