Confidence in the Lord, Not Competition
Many people are very fearful of what others might do to limit their success or prosperity. They think that they can't have all they want to have because the success of others will take away from what they can have. Nothing could be farther from the truth! God has a plan for each of us, and nothing can stop Him from accomplishing His purpose if we trust Him fully. We need to have that confidence in the Lord and not feel competition with others.
David was so confident in the Lord that God would fulfill His promise to make his family a dynasty in Israel that he did not feel competition with Saul's only living grandson, Mephibosheth. (II Samuel 9:7) David had him brought to the palace and he said, "Don't be afraid. I intend to show kindness to you because of my promise to your father Jonathan." He gave him all of the property that belonged to his grandfather Saul, and he allowed him to eat at the king's table the rest of his life.
God's wealth is unlimited. He has the resources to bless all of us abundantly. However, He knows that if our hearts are not right with Him, we will take what He gives us and use it for the wrong purposes. He also knows that the wealth could make us proud and lead us from Him, if we have the wrong heart attitude. Therefore, our prosperity depends on our trust in Him and His plan.
In fact, our lives will be better if everyone around us prospers. A rising tide lifts all ships. I am sure you have heard that saying. If we all do God's will and receive His blessings, we will see His blessings on us, our families, our churches, and our community increase. Therefore, competition is harmful, and cooperation is a must.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 10-12.