God living Among Us, With us, and In Us
God loves each and every one of us. It doesn't matter what we have done or how we have lived in the past, God loves us, and He wants to have a close personal relationship with us. God pursues this relationship in many different ways, but it is up to us to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior to enter into His love fully. We see God pursuing us all the way through the Bible. (Exodus 25:8) God commanded Moses to have the people of Israel build Him a holy sanctuary so He could live among them. They built the Tabernacle and carried it with them in all of their journeys, so God was right in the midst of them all the time. Today, He can be even closer to us than ever before.
The Tabernacle was a tent with a special room in the middle that was very holy. It was where the Ark of the Covenant was located, and God dwelt above the mercy seat of the ark in that sacred place. The people knew that God was with them, because the Levites carried the Tabernacle in the center of their families everywhere they went. Then, when Jesus came to be born of the virgin Mary, He was Immanuel, God with us. God actually took on human flesh and became a man while remaining fully God. He walked with us and talked with us for 30 years or more. Then, He died and rose again, so we could be saved from our sins and be adopted into God's family. Now, the Bible says that our bodes are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Now, God lives in every one of us who know Jesus as Lord and Savior. He is in us and talks with us and walks with us personally every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 26-28.