Clothes and Consecration
Moses was instructed in how to make the clothes for the High priest, his brother Aaron, and for his sons who served as priests, as well. These clothes were beautifully elaborate. Aaron was to carry the names of the 12 tribes on gem stones sewn into his clothes over his heart. This was to remind him that when he went into the holy place, he was representing all of the people of Israel. Once the clothes were completed, God told Moses what to do for Aaron and his sons. (Exodus 28:41) Moses was told to clothe them as God had commanded, and then to anoint them and ordain them, so they would be consecrated to be priests for God's people. Let's consider the importance of clothes and consecration for believers today.
Some people get hung up on the importance of clothes that are worn to Sunday worship. I remember when I stopped wearing a coat and tie. It really disturbed several people in our church. They felt that we should wear our best clothes to come to worship the Lord on Sundays. I felt that there were some things more important than nice clothes, and that is what led me to change. The main thing is that we be anointed by God's Holy Spirit, as believers, whether we are pastors or not. We are all His children, and we are all coming to worship Him. Therefore, the condition of our hearts is much more important than our clothes. Also, we need to be consecrated to the Lord, so He knows we are set apart from the world, and set apart to Him for His service. That also is true for every believer, not just pastors. Finally, if we put the emphasis on clothes, we may turn off some people, or it might make them think I am more than everyone else. No, I am just a believer, who has been called to be a pastor, but each soul that comes for worship is just as special to God as me. See what I mean? Let's not let clothes get in the way of people hearing the gospel and being saved. Let's show them that God cares for the condition of their hearts, not the condition of their clothes.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 29-31.