The Source of Sin
We all need to learn about the source of sin. If we don't know the source, we will not be able to see what has to happen for sin to be forgiven. Some people think that we sin because we have been raised in poverty or we have been disadvantaged in some way that led us to sin. Others think that we sin out of ignorance because we do not know what is right and wrong. Still others don't really think there is such a thing as sin , so they don't think there is a source. All of these miss the point. The source of sin is within us. Sin comes out of our heart, our innermost being. We can't blame it on anything or anyone else. We have to take responsibility for our sins. Then, we can go to Jesus, who died and rose again to pay for our sins and be able to forgive our sins. We can repent of our sins and trust Him as Lord and Savior. Then, the source of sin is dealt with, because our heart is changed by the power of God's grace. I want to show us all this fact by sharing what the Bible says about the king of Tyre. (Ezekiel 28:14,15) Most people believe that this description contains many references to Satan and his fall from being Lucifer. I believe it proves this reality.
Lucifer was the anointed cherub, God's special angel. He was appointed by God. Many believe he led the worship of God around His throne. He was on the holy mountain of God, and he walked among the fiery stones. Lucifer was privileged to live in the perfect place of heaven and to be in the presence of God Himself. He was created blameless in his ways. Therefore, there were no conditions around him that led Lucifer to sin. He did not have ignorance of right and wrong. The problem was in his heart. Wickedness was found in him. Ezekiel told us that he was proud because of his beauty. He felt special because he was made beautiful by God. However, his pride and beauty led Him to sin, because he decided he should be worshiped like God. No one taught him that. It was His decision to rebel against God and promote himself. We do the same thing in our lives. We come to think that we are able to judge right and wrong, and we decide to do what is wrong. That is the source of sin. We all do it, and we all need forgiveness. We all need to humble ourselves before God and seek His forgiveness for the sins which come from within us. That is the only solution.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 29-31.