The Glory of the Lord
God is glorious! He is the most powerful and wise person in the universe. His love is also beyond our comprehension. He is greater than us in everything that is good and right. I think most of us know all of these things, but we have a hard time realizing the magnitude of His glory. That is why the Lord inspired Ezekiel to give us a description of the glory of the Lord. He actually heard His voice like the sound of many waters, and he saw His glory enlighten the earth as God approached the temple from the east. Then, the Spirit lifted Ezekiel up. (Ezekiel 43:5) He took him into the inner court of the temple where God will reside one of these days. Then, Ezekiel saw as the glory of the Lord filled the temple. What a wondrous sight that Ezekiel was privileged to see on several occasions. I am so glad God did all of this, so we have a little concept of the glory of the Lord.
Now, God is not in the temple in Jerusalem, because there is no temple there at this time. God resides in the bodies of every believer. (I Corinthians 6:19-20) Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. Therefore, every day we have the glory of God in us. The question is this, "Is the glory of the Lord filling our temple?" For this to happen, we must fully surrender to the Lord every area of our life and allow Him to control us, empower us and guide us. If we will do that, people will see the glory of God, His light, shining out through what we say and do. They will be astounded at the glory of the Lord and be attracted to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That is why we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit all of the time. (Ephesians 5:18) Once we heed that command God will be able to use us to do His will in ways that we could never conceive, since we have His glory in us through the Holy Spirit.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 44-47.