Our Every Morning Worship
We should begin our day with worship of our Lord Jesus Christ every day. I pray that is the regular practice for all of us. If it is not, it should be. The Old Testament sacrifices in the temple show us this reality. Also, it is evident from the Lord's Prayer given to us by Jesus that we are to begin our day by worshiping "Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name." Ezekiel was shown what will be taking place in the Millennial Kingdom in Jerusalem, the Temple, and in the land of Israel. One of the things that will continue during that time will be the regular burnt offering every morning. (Ezekiel 46:15) This offering will consist of offering a lamb without blemish, a grain offering, and oil to go with the grain. As we learned before, a burnt offering is an act of worship, which is a sweet smelling aroma to the Lord as it is all consumed by the fire. I believe there is a message here for us today, as well.
When we go to the Lord every morning, we need to offer the sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of our lips. Our praise should be directed at our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. He is the sinless, unblemished Lord of all, who gave His life willingly for us in love. He deserves our praise every morning and all day long. If we don't start in the morning, we may not praise Him all day long, as we should. Then, we need to thank the Lord for "our daily bread" as Jesus also said in the Lord's Prayer. The grain represents the food and the other provisions from the Lord. We ought to bless the Lord in the morning for being so good to us, as well as, asking Him to continue to meet as needs as He sees fit. Finally, the oil tops it off. The oil is a symbol of the Spirit in the Bible. We need to ask the Spirit to fill us, after we have confessed any known sins. This is a solemn act of worship and our preparation to be faithful to the Lord Jesus all day long. I believe if we will worship the Lord like this every morning, we will honor Him well, and we will be ready to live for Him all day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 48 and Daniel 1-3.