God Owns It Because He Made It

 We can get the wrong idea about our possessions and our ability to create things. We do not own anything. Everything in this world belongs to God. He just blesses us to be able to enjoy some of His creation while we are here. We can't even create wealth on our own, because God has to give us the intelligence and the physical ability to earn money. Without Him, we couldn't do anything. That is why we, as humans, are so deluded if we think we can create anything in our own power. Yes, scientists and others can make some amazing things, but no human can create something out of nothing. That is what God did when He made this world and everything in it. God gets angry with us when we claim ownership of His creation or the ability to create like He does. That is what made God so angry with Pharaoh, king of Egypt. (Ezekiel 29:3) God was against him. He called him the "great monster in the midst of his rivers." God's anger was aroused because Pharaoh claimed the Nile River as his own, and he said that he had created it for himself. That is the height of pride and arrogance, and it is taking glory from the Lord, which He will not allow us to do.

We must always use the words "my" and "mine" in the right context. Yes, it belongs to us, but only for a limited time, and it is on loan from the Creator. He can take it back any time He wants. Also, He only allows us to use it in line with His purposes. If we begin to misuse it, He will come against us as He came against Pharaoh. If we ever think we are as powerful as God in our ability to create anything, we are very wrong. Like I said, God created everything that is here out of nothing. He made it by His divine power, having designed it in His wisdom, and everything works together according to His plan. Nothing man makes lives up to those standards. We must not allow any scientific breakthrough or medical discovery make us think we are on par with God. We must always give Him the credit and the glory for everything we have and all of His beautiful creation we see.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 32-34.

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