Soaring Like Eagles
When eagles soar on the wind with their large, strong wings, it looks so effortless. It doesn't look like it makes them tired, even though they go so far so fast. The reason for this ability is that God designed eagles to soar like that. They are simply being who they were created to be. When we trust the Lord Jesus, and we are born again, we are designed to soar like eagles. (Isaiah 40:31) It is not for us to soar in the sky, but to soar through life by God's power. As we trust the Lord and wait on Him, we will run the Christian life and not be weary. We will walk through life and not faint. I pray we all know this promise from God and we are living by it now.
What does all of this mean for us, as Christians? If we are constantly tired and stressed out, we have a trust problem. We are not seeking the Lord for who He is and spending time with Him to know His will. We are trying to live life in our own power and knowledge which creates failures and all kinds of stress. Let's stop trying and start trusting God. Let's rest in the Lord, and He will renew our strength. He will give us the ability to see things like an eagle high in the sky. We will see them like God does, and He will show us what to do. His way works, so we run without being weary, and our Christian life is easy in His power.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 41-43.