God Never Forgets Us
I am sure that some of us, as Christians, have felt like God has forgotten us. This happens to some of us when we go through trials or other hard times in our life. We pray, and it doesn't seem like God is hearing us because He doesn't do what we are asking or He doesn't do it in our timing. We need to stop and remember something that will help us in times like those. God never forgets us. The people of Israel felt abandoned and forgotten when they were being punished by God for their idolatry and other sins. (Isaiah 49:14,15) God asked them if a nursing mother would forget her child or lack compassion for the child of her womb. Of course not was the obvious answer. Then God assured them those mothers might possibly forget, but He would never forget them. This is a great analogy for us to consider.
A nursing mother is very connected to her child, physically and emotionally. She can sense the needs of her child. Even at night the mother hears the slightest whimper and goes to her baby. She is full of compassion as she hurts with every cry and does whatever is needed to soothe her baby. That is how God is connected to us and cares for us. He birthed us into His family, and He desires to see us happy and growing. He will never abandon us or forget us. He is there for us, even in the trials. Sometimes He just has to discipline us and allow us to grow through our hard times. Let's never doubt His steadfast love and compassion for us, no matter what we go through. Just keep trusting and crying out to Him. He will see us through.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 50-52.