God's Outstretched Hands
It is easy to get angry with our family, friends, and others. When they hurt us or take advantage of us, we are tempted to cut off our relationship with them. If we do that very often, we find ourselves isolated and alone. The best way to proceed when we get angry or we get hurt is to seek reconciliation. It is not easy, but it is worthwhile to regain a friend instead of making a permanent enemy or ignoring someone. We know this is true because we see that is how the Lord acts all the time. (Isaiah 65:2) God has His hands spread out all day long to rebellious people. He knows they are walking a path that is not good, and they are following their own thoughts instead of following Him. However, His hands are spread out to them, compelling them to return to Him. We should learn from this and act like the Lord does toward us.
No one has ever sinned too much for the Lord to forgive them. There are no sins that are so bad that God can't and won't forgive them. God is gracious and kind. He is long-suffering to all people, even to the rebellious. He is yearning for us to return to Him whenever we are alienated because of our sins. We see this in the parable of the prodigal son. The father ran to meet his son with open arms and hands ready to embrace him. That is God's posture all the time. He is ready to forgive and to restore us to a close relationship with Him right now or any time we will turn to Him. I pray we will all stop following our thoughts instead of God's thought. I pray we will stop rebelliously walking a path that is not goo. I pray we will turn around in repentance, and we will run into His hands, where we can confess our sins and live in close fellowship with Him forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 1-3.