God Examines and Tests
God is a very busy Person, but I am sure it is not too stressful and hard for Him to do all that He does. Like I have said, it helps Him so much to be outside of time and space, so He can see all, know all, and focus on each of us perfectly at the same time. That enables God to do what is needed to be ready to have us stand before Him in the Judgment. (Jeremiah 17:10) God is examining our mind. He is testing our heart. Then, He knows what to give each of us according to our way, according to what our actions deserve. This verse shows us a vital truth that we need to understand, so we truly live a life that is pleasing to God.
God is interested in what is going on in our mind. He doesn't just look at our actions. He examines what we are thinking before we act, while we are acting, and after we act in a particular situation. He sees if our thought process was according to His Word or if it was based on worldly thoughts. He sees if our motives were pure, and if we were acting unselfishly or not. Then, He sees if we think we are better than other people because of what we have done. At the same time God is testing our heart. He sees what feelings are leading us to do what we do. Are they godly feelings that come from the fruit of the Spirit, or are they fleshly feelings corrupted by sin's influence on us? Again, this shows God our motivation, so He knows our way, not just what we do, but our process of thinking and feeling that brings us to action. This enables God to know just what to give us according to what our actions deserve. Good actions with wrong motives will not be rewarded. It is vital for us to be motivated by pure thoughts and feelings. This is why we stress spiritual transformation by the Holy Spirit, so our inner being is conformed to the image of Christ, and we think and feel as He does.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 18-20.