All the Lord has Done for Us
It is so easy to forget things that have happened in our life. We are so busy looking toward the future that we lose sight of how God has brought us to where we are now. Also, we don't stop to reminisce nearly enough. All of this causes us to fail to give God the thanks He deserves for being so good to us. That is a terrible failure, because we should be telling others all the things He has done for us, so they can come to know the Lord, too. Isaiah had come to realize this truth. (Isaiah 63:7) He determined that he would make known the Lord's faithful love and the Lord's praiseworthy acts, because he saw all the good things the Lord had done for him and all His people, Israel. He saw that these many good things were done based on His compassion and the abundance of His faithful love. What a glorious realization! We all need to make a similar commitment to the Lord.
Chris and I just spent a week in Texas and much of the week was filled with precious memories. We saw people we had not seen in 20+ years, and we went to places we had not seen for a long time. It was a huge blessing, but I must admit it was a bit overwhelming for me. It caused me to see clearly all the Lord has done for us. Seeing our almost grown grandchildren and their parents brought back all kinds of memories of the goodness of God. Then, seeing the friends with whom we had such sweet fellowship was so refreshing. God was so good to give them to us. To see our first house God provided and the first churches which God led me to serve showed me the leadership of the Lord in so many things. God has truly been faithful to love us and to provide for us all these years. Yes, it is all based on His compassion. He really does feel for us and care for our every need. He does have an abundance of faithful love. He has never failed to meet our needs in His way and His time. Now, I know for sure that I need to tell others all the good things the Lord has done for us more consistently. When they hear, they will be amazed, too. I pray they will come to know Jesus and do the same thing for those around them.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 64-66.