The Lord Does Whatever He Pleases
This one verse in the Psalms tells us a lot about God that we all need to know. (Psalm 135:6) The Lord does whatever He pleases in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths. God is totally independent of any outside forces. There is no one or no thing that can cause God to do anything that He doesn't already want to do. Also, God always does the right thing, because that is what pleases Him. All sin is displeasing to God, so He never decides to sin. God rules in heaven, so He is in charge of all that goes on there. He sets the schedule of events, and He makes sure it all goes well. The same is true for earth. Even though sin has caused problems for the earth and for us, God was pleased to make man with free choice, and sin was the result of man's choice. That is why it pleased God to have a plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. See what I mean? God does whatever He pleases, and we can't manipulate God to get Him to do our will, if it is not pleasing to Him.
Some people think that prayer is a means to get God to do what we want Him to do. That is a totally false view of prayer. Prayer is for us to converse back and forth with God about whatever is on our hearts, and to ask Him to be involved so His will is done. However, since so many people have this false belief, they get upset when God doesn't answer their prayers, as they desire. This takes them away from God, instead of bringing them close to Him. I pray that we would see this truth, and we would see that we should want what pleases God, because that is what is best for everyone. After all, He is in charge, and we are not. He loves us, and He wants to bless us, if we will simply surrender to Him and go with His ways, not our way. So, let's add this verse to how we view the Lord, and I pray it will help us each day to relate to Him well and see His will done in our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 136-138.