The Lord Reigns!

We can have a great amount of peace and security if we fully understand our Lord and what He is doing right now and always. The Lord reigns. He is the active, Sovereign King of the universe. He is a perfect King. He is everything a king should be and more. The psalmist gave us a great description of our King.(Psalm 93:1) He told us that the Lord reigns. Then, he assured us that God is robed in majesty. He is robed, enveloped by strength. Therefore, the world is firmly established. This world cannot be shaken. Let that sink in. Don't fret or worry, the Lord reigns!

We live in a crazy, mixed up world full of people, many of whom do not know the Lord. They are fighting against the ways of God and His will. We see the error of their ways before us all of the time, if we know God's Word. This situation can cause us to be worried. Remember, worry is a sin, that we are commanded to forsake. (Philippians 4:6,7) This turmoil could cause us to be against other people and to wish for their demise. Remember, we are commanded to love everyone, even our enemies with the love of Jesus. (John 13:34,35) All of these things could cause us to be depressed and withdraw from others, but we are to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. (Matthew 5:13-16) Stop all of these harmful ways and rest in the fact that the Lord reigns. He is robed in majesty, enveloped in strength, sitting on His heavenly throne. The world is firmly established. It cannot be shaken. God has a plan, and He is allowing that plan to work out for His glory and for our good. We need not be shaken. See what I mean? Look to the Lord, not the troubles, and find your rest by trusting in Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 94-97.

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