How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place, Lord
Solomon's temple was a majestic dwelling place for God to be with His people here on this earth. Solomon spared no expense when he built God's house. I was told that about half of the gold that existed in the entire world at that time was used to overlay almost everything in the temple. The rest was made up of the finest tapestries of all colors. It was gleaming and beautiful for all to see. It was only fitting, since it was the dwelling place of the Creator of the universe. The psalmist was amazed by how lovely it was. (Psalm 84:1,4) He knew that those who were residing in God's house, would be very happy, and they would be praising the Lord continually in His beautiful house. I am sure the psalmist was right, but I believe there is something even better now for those who know the Lord.
People could only visit the temple for a short time of worship, and then, they would have to return home to work. Even the priests and Levites had jobs to do, so that they could not enjoy the temple and worship all of the time. However, when Jesus died and rose again for us to be saved, all who had trusted God and all who would ever trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior were given a home in heaven. Heaven is God's eternal dwelling place. Now, when Christians leave this world, we get to go to God's dwelling place. We will be there with Him forever, and we will be able to worship Jesus and the Father continually. It is not that we will only worship and not do anything else, but we will regularly worship God around His throne, and it will be the most glorious worship possible. That will be cause for us to be very happy forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 85-87.