You Formed Me Like Clay
All of us are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Each of us is a unique creation by the infinite God of the universe. He makes us body, soul, and spirit. We are made in His image to have fellowship with Him. He loves everyone. However, we live in a world tainted by sin, and the sin that came into the world through Adam and Eve effects every cell and molecule. That is why we have sickness and things wear out. It is a natural part of life on earth. There are times when God steps in to work a miracle and takes away the effects of sin, but that is not very often. He knows He must show us the destructiveness of sin, so we will trust Him. Then, there is the fact that all of us will die in some way. Even though we are formed by God, our mortal bodies are not eternal. Death is a part of life, but it is hard to accept, unless we trust that God is in control. Our transition from this life to the next will happen in God's timing and in a way that He causes or allows. We all have to come to grips with these facts of life. Job was having trouble accepting these things, because of His suffering. (Job 10:8,9) He reached out to God. He confessed that he knew he was shaped and formed by God. God had formed him like clay. The hard part was understanding why God seemed to be bringing his life to an end so abruptly and with so much pain, after having a great life to that point. Since that could happen to any of us, we need to think prayerfully about these things.
God gives each of us a marvelous body that is beyond anything any human could ever create. We still do not know how it all works, and we never will. Since we can't know everything about life as God designed us, we are driven to trust in His wisdom and love. If we will simply believe in the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we can walk with God each day and grow closer and closer to Him. That is what should bring us much joy in life, not the fact that we are physically healthy all the time. Our bodies wear out, and God allows sicknesses to come, because He doesn't want us to be comfortable here in this life. Our pain and suffering make us ready to go to heaven to be with Him in a perfect place with no pain, suffering, or death. Always remember, even if we lived 500 years here with a perfect body, that is still nothing compared to the length of eternity. Also, life in heaven will be so much better than life here that we should not complain about the pain of death. We should realize that is just a minor irritation, and once we get to heaven, it will all be forgotten. Therefore, once we know Jesus, and we have eternal life, we can't really have a bad day. We are in His hands and whatever happens to us here, we are safe and secure, going to a much better place than this. Job did not realize all of these things like He does now, and that is why he was crying out to God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 12-14.