Asking for Wisdom and Knowledge
God knows we lack wisdom and knowledge when we are born. After all He made us, and He knows we must acquire wisdom and knowledge to do what we need to do in life. We especially need wisdom and knowledge when we are setting out to do His will as one of His children. He has a plan for each child of God, and that plan is only possible when done in His power and by His direction. Therefore, if we really want to live a life that honors the Lord and accomplishes His will for us, we must submit fully to Him and admit our needs. That is just what Solomon did when he became the king of Israel after his father David. God asked Solomon what he wanted Him to give him, and Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge. (II Chronicles 1:10) That pleased God so much, because Solomon knew that he needed God's wisdom to lead the people. He knew the task was beyond him or anyone else to do on their own. Therefore, God gave Him more wisdom and knowledge than anyone has ever had, and He added immense riches at the same time. We should all do the same.
Wisdom comes from God. We can't get wisdom from any other source, because real wisdom is seeing things as God sees things them. It is being able to look at the facts of a situation and to see the reality as God sees it. Then, we can do what is right each time. It also takes knowledge to fully make the right decisions. However, there is truth, and there is falsehood. We must make sure that the knowledge we gain is true, not a false view of reality. That is why we have the Bible. It is our standard to judge all knowledge to see if it is in line with truth or not. Once we have the wisdom from God, because we have asked for it like Solomon did, and we have the right knowledge to apply in our situation, then, the Spirit directs us and empowers us to do God's will in His way. That is what God wants for all of His children. That is how we should operate every day of our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 2-5.