God's Generosity to Us
I pray that we all have realized that God wants to bless all of us in an abundant way. After all, Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it abundantly. God doesn't want to make our lives miserable or to make them difficult. In fact, He is there to help us with every challenge we face, if we will simply trust Him and obey what He says for us to do. We miss out on the abundant life, because we fail to trust the Lord. One of the best examples of this is the failure of the Israelites to trust God to fight for them and to give them the land of Canaan. When the 12 spies came back from spying out the land, 10 of them said it was not possible, so the people would not do what God had said to take the land. Only Joshua and Caleb trusted the Lord. (Numbers 14:8) They stood up in front of everyone and told them that if the Lord was pleased with them, He would bring them into His land, a land flowing with milk and honey. In fact, He would give the land to them. However, it was based on whether He was pleased with them. This still did not move the Israelites to trust God, so they missed entering and owning God's land for them. We all need to consider this truth.
We know from the Bible that without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6) However, when we have faith in the Lord, He is very pleased with us. He is not arrogant or an ego maniac. God knows that His plan for us is far better than anything else we could ever come up with. He is love, and so He wants what is best for all of us. That is why when we have faith in Him and obey Him that He is pleased with us, and He supplies what only He can supply. His way is to bring us into our land flowing with milk and honey. It is so much better than what we deserve. It is a land of His choosing, but it more than meets all of our needs. It gives us pleasure and enables us to be fruitful in so many way. Yes, He even gives us His land, because He sees that He can trust us with it, since we are following Him in faith every step of the way. I pray we will all grasp this point and surrender to the Lord in faith. I pray we will set out to be fully pleasing to God and see just how loving He will be to us. God is so generous that we will be amazed to see His generosity to us, if we simply trust Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 15-17.