A Special Blessing for God's People
God gave Aaron and his sons a special priestly blessing to pronounce over His people. This shows us God's heart for us, as believers. Yes, we have problems and trials, but God desires to bless us even in the midst of our difficulties. He wants to use the hardships to grow our faith. He wants to see us become more like Jesus, so we can live the abundant life. That is why we need to take a good look at this blessing He gave to Aaron and his sons. (Numbers 6:24-26) We may have heard it many times and in various translations of the Bible, but let's examine it closely and see what God wants for us. I believe it will bring us great joy to see God's desires for us.
Yes, God wants to bless us. He wants us to have more than we deserve. Remember, God is love, and love watches out for the other person, to meet their needs. That is just what God wants for us. He wants to protect us, and He will do that as we follow Him and His ways. He wants us to see His face shine on us with a bright smile, because He is happy we belong to Him. These are His ways to be gracious to us and give us more than we deserve. Also, God wants to look with favor on us, so that other people take care of us and don't harm us. He wants us to have inner peace and to live in peace with others. He will do all of these things as we believe in Him, trusting in Him for everything all of the time. I pray this blessing on all of us, and I know we will receive these blessings as we humbly submit to the Lord and walk with Him each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 9-11.