Do Not Fear Him
If God is on our side, we have no need to fear any man or any army. God is able to give us the victory in any situation of life, as we trust Him. We must have faith that He is able, and He will do what He says He will do. I wonder how many times we have been stopped from advancing in our life because we had fear in our heart? It should never happen. If we pray, and God tells us to move forward and do His will, we should go with no fear and we will see how God delivers us from their anger. That is what happened to the Israelites on the east side of the Jordan River, as they went through the land of the Amorites. When King Sihon brought his army against them, they won and took over his land. Then, King Og came with his army, and they won the victory and took over their land, too. (Numbers 21:34) In both cases it was because they heard from the Lord. He told them that He "had" given the king and his army into their hand. The Israelites took God at His word, and they were not afraid. I pray we will always do the same thing.
Who causes you to be afraid? It could be a family member or a co-worker. It might be a neighbor, who seems to be mean. What happens when we are living in fear? We do not do what God tells us to do. We are to love everyone, not fear them. We are to go to them with the assurance that God is with us, and He will show us what to do and say. We should pray first, of course, so we can go as God directs. However, when we get the word from the Lord, we must go ahead and encounter this person without fear. That shows we have true faith in God. We know that God will do what He said and give us the victory. I pray that none of us will be stopped by fear for any other person or group of people, if God tells us to go forward. We must not be held up, when God wants to give us what He has for us, or give the other person what He has for them. Please, do not succumb to fear, but have faith in the Lord. He will see us through.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 22-25.