Paul's Wish to God
When we make a wish, we are asking for something that we really want or something that is very important to us. We can just wish for something to happen, but then all it amounts to is our desire for something. It may or may not be a wish that comes true. However, when we make a wish to God, we are expecting that He will approve of our wish and give us what we wished to Him. That is what Paul said he was doing when he witnessed to King Agrippa while in prison at Caesarea. (Acts 26:28,29) Agrippa was touched and remarked that in a short time Paul would persuade him to become a Christian. At that point, Paul told the king his wish to God. Paul asked God for no only Agrippa, but for everyone who heard him speak to become a Christian like him. This would be a proper wish for all of us to make to God right now.
We can give our testimony of how we came to the Lord to all types of people with whom we have contact. We can give a short version of 1 or 2 minutes, when we need to be brief. Then, we can give a longer version with more explanation in other situations. Our testimony is very convincing when people hear it. It shows others that Jesus is alive, and Jesus really changes people for the better. We need to take the opportunity to share Jesus with others, as often as possible, in fact, on a daily basis. That should be our heart's desire and our wish to God that we can share and that all who hear us would be convinced to trust Jesus. God will honor that wish for us, as He did for Paul, by giving us many opportunities and by seeing others come to know Jesus like we do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 27-28 and Romans 1.