Knowing God's Free Gifts

Sometimes we read about free gifts that are offered, but if we don't ever know about them, we can't claim them. They may just be offered to certain people, or they may just be advertised in limited ways. Either way, if we don't know about what is being freely given to us, we miss out. That is the situation for billions of people in this world today. God is ready to give us freely many different things, but many of us miss them for one main reason. (I Corinthians 2:12) The only way to know the things freely given to us by God is to have the Spirit who is from God. He shows us those things. We can only have the Holy Spirit when we know Christ as our Lord and Savior, though. All the others just have the spirit of the world, so they never find out about God's free gifts, except for one. Let me explain.

The Holy Spirit is in the world to convict the people of the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.(John 16:8-11) He is here to bear witness to Jesus and show people how their sins separate them from God. Then, He shows them righteousness, which is how to be right with God by trusting Jesus. If we listen to the Spirit and put our faith in Jesus as the Only One who can save us, we are forgiven of our sins, and we receive the Holy Spirit to live in us forever. Once that happens, we have received the free gift of salvation, and the Spirit can show us all of the other free gifts God has for us. Believe me, He has new free gifts for us all of the time, if we listen to the Spirit and receive what He shows us. Often, we call them "blessings," but whatever we call them, it is a wonderful life as we receive salvation and the other things freely given to us by God.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 3-5.

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