Ambassadors for Christ
God, the Father, is on His throne in heaven. Jesus, the Son, is seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us. The Holy Spirit is in all of the world working in the hearts of people. Once we come to know Christ, we are citizens of heaven, but live in this world, until we go to be with the Lord. Therefore, God has a special task for every believer in this world. We are ambassadors for Christ. (II Corinthians 5:20) We have our physical presence here, and we have direct contact with people who do not know Jesus and are unfamiliar with the things of heaven. We are commissioned by God to represent Him to them and make an urgent appeal to them to be reconciled to God by trusting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are the best ones to do this, since we are citizens of heaven and children of the King, but we still relate to those of flesh and blood like us.
The United States has ambassadors in countries all around the world. Our President and Secretary of State can't be in all of these places at one time, but they need someone on the ground there to convey the message from our leaders to their leaders. This system can avert a crisis, and it can bring the two countries closer together in a partnership. That is what God has placed us here to do. We are to show people and tell people how to know God, how to be friends with God. Yes, that is possible. When God made humans, Adam and Eve, they were friends with God. However, sin entered by their disobedience, and the relationship was broken. Jesus paid for the sins of the world, so we could be forgiven and be cleansed. Once we are cleansed, we are reconciled to God. Everyone in the world needs to know this urgent good news. We have experienced it, we live here, and we are God's ambassadors to relate this to them in a relevant way. May we fill our important role well and see many people come to the Lord and be citizens of heaven forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Corinthians 7-9.