The City of the Great King
There are many great cities in the world. I have been to several of them, New York, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Seoul, Mexico City, and Atlanta just to name a few. However, there is one city in the world that is greater than all the rest. It is the city of the Great King. (Psalm 48:1-2) Jerusalem is the only city in which God has resided. The psalmist wrote a whole psalm to magnify the city of our God. Yes, He is great, and greatly to be praised in His city, the holy mountain. The city of Jerusalem is beautiful, as it stands high on Mount Zion. It has been my great privilege to be able to walk its streets and experience this ancient city of God twice. It will always be a highlight of my life. I pray all of us could go there at least once.
God chose Jerusalem out of all of the cities of the world as His city, the place where He would dwell in His Temple. When Solomon completed the first temple, they had a huge celebration of praise and thanksgiving to God with prayers and sacrifices, while choirs sang and horns were blown. David conquered this city on Mount Zion to be his city, the capital of God's people Israel. It was said to be unconquerable, but God enabled David to take it so He could make it His home. Now, it stands majestically with thousands flocking to it each year to worship our Great King and His Son, Jesus, who died on the cross and rose again for our sins outside of this city. Then, one day, He will return, walk through the eastern gate and sit on the throne of David, so God will reside there one more time for 1,000 years. We all need to be ready for that to happen. If we are believers when Jesus raptures His church, we will return with Him to Jerusalem and be there when He establishes His Millennial kingdom. What a glorious reality that is. I pray that we all will know Him and be ready for that day and time.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 49-51.