He has Dealt Bountifully with Me
My soul is full of praise to the Lord today. He has dealt bountifully with me all of my life. I can't think of a way that He has ever let me down. He has always come through for me. David's heart was singing to the Lord because of these things, too. (Psalm 13:5,6) He had trusted in the Lord's lovingkindness and found that God is faithful to keep His covenant with us. Therefore, He rejoiced in his salvation which was sure, because God guaranteed it. David was singing because he knew God had dealt bountifully with him, too. What about you?
There is no need for us to guess at our salvation. God wants us to be sure that we belong to Him and our sins have been forgiven, causing us to have an eternal relationship with Him. It is a free gift from Him when we turn from our sins, put our trust in Jesus to forgive our sins, and surrender to Jesus as Lord of our life. That is the best blessing anyone can have, and it is forever. God is always faithful in others ways, too. He not only saves us, but He sustains us each day. He gives us everything we need, especially when we are asking Him daily to meet those needs. Finally, He always deals bountifully. God never does anything half way. He goes above and beyond, since He operates by grace. We always have more than we deserve. Therefore, I pray that all of us will be rejoicing and thanking God for dealing bountifully with us all of the time.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 14-16.