The Anger of the Lord
God hates sin. Sin makes Him so angry because He knows the damage that it does in the world, and specifically in the lives of people. Since God is love, He never wants to see people harmed. He wants what is best for us all. Therefore, His anger burns against sin and the people who insist on committing sin. Israel found out about God's hot anger when they broke God's covenant and worshiped the idols of Canaan. (Judges 2:20) They did not listen to the Lord. They did life their own way. God ceased driving out the nations that were left when Joshua died, because of His anger and in an effort to test Israel's trust in Him. We need to think about this and learn from it.
When we sin, it makes God just as angry as He was with Israel. In fact, it may be worse for us, since we have a close relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit within us. If we do not repent of our sins and return to doing His will, He will quit driving out the evil in our lives and wait for us to call to Him in confession of those sins. We will suffer at the hands of our sin, like Israel suffered at the hands of the Canaanites. He will not totally leave us, but He will make us very uncomfortable until we return to Him fully. I pray that we will never have to face the burning anger of God, but it is up to us to listen to Him and do His will every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 5-7.