Our Own Power?

 It is easy for us to become boastful. Whenever we accomplish something worthwhile or very difficult, we automatically want to take credit for it. We think we were able to do it in our own power, so we fail to recognize the vital role the Lord played in what happened. That was God's concern when He sent Gideon against the Midianites. God knew Israel would become boastful and say they had done it in their own power. (Judges 7:2) Therefore, God told Gideon the people who were with him were too many for God to give Midian into their hands. First, the fighting force had to be whittled down to the right size. Then, God would give them a great victory over a huge enemy. Let's make an application of this truth for ourselves today.

If we want God to give us great victories over our enemies, Satan and his forces of evil, we must be willing to give God all of the credit. After all, it is God who gives us every ounce of strength we have and every ability we have in the first place. Therefore, whatever we do, we should be quick to give Him the glory for it. However, this is especially true when it comes to great spiritual victories. It is only when we admit that we are weak, and we can't defeat Satan and his forces in our own power that God  will come to our aid and fight for us. Then, we win in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a miraculous victory, and God gets the credit. That is God's way, and if we want the victory, it must be done in His way. When we do it His way, we always have the victory, and it is always complete.


Tomorrow, I Intend to read Judges 8-10.

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