Far, Far from God
By the end of the book of Judges the people of Israel were so far from God that they did not even consider His will and His way. They did whatever was right in their own eyes, since there was not a king in the land. This sad state led to so many terrible conditions that it is hard to believe they ever knew the Lord in the first place. This is seen in the life of a Levite from Bethlehem, who went to a man in Ephraim and became his priest for his family. Then, the Danites came by to conquer a land for themselves, and they took him with them to be their priest, (Judges 18:19) This priest used household idols in his worship, and he stole them from the man when he left. His only consideration for going was that he would have a whole tribe for which to be a priest instead of just one family. This is despicable, but it still happens today.
How do we decide what we will do? I pray that we prayerfully consider God's Word and ask Him to show us what to do, as we make any decision. However, I am afraid, many of us just do what seems right to us. We do what everyone else is doing, never consulting God. When we pick a church, we choose the one with a lot of people, like this priest chose to go with an entire tribe over one family. We go where the money of better or we will be more comfortable. This leads us far from God, and we are out of touch with the Lord. Please, do not let this happen to you and your family. Stay close to God and His Word to guide you every step of the way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 20-21 and Ruth 1-2.