The Manna Ceased
God fed 2 million people in the wilderness for 40 years with supernatural bread called "manna.". This was caused by the unfaithfulness of the Israelites when they failed to trust the Lord to attack the land of Canaan. God's punishment was for them to wander in the wilderness until all of that generation had died. Then, the new generation would be given the Land. Finally, the 40 years ended. The people obeyed the Lord, and entered Canaan. The day after they had eaten some of the produce of the land, the manna ceased. (Joshua 5:12) God had been faithful to supply their needs in the wilderness. Now, He had given them the land flowing with milk and honey to meet their needs. I believe there is a great lesson here.
God's supernatural provision for our needs is granted at times we cannot meet those needs ourselves. God is always faithful to care for us, even when He is punishing us. However, God's ultimate goal for each of us is that we would obey Him fully and come to the place where we receive His regular blessings. Let me explain. When we obey God, He can and will bring us to the "Promised Land" in our life. The Promised Land for us is a place of bearing fruit, because of our faith in the Lord and His power. It is not a miraculous provision, but it is a place where God provides in natural ways. It could be a good job or another wonderful opportunity for us. Then, it is up to us to continue to trust the Lord and to continue to live by His Word, so He can continue to bless us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 6-8.