God's Good Storehouse

 It is God's desire to bless us and to bless our country. God is a truly generous God. He wants us to be generous, too, as we have already learned from His Word. That was His plan for Israel in the Old Covenant, and it is His desire for the U.S.A. and all of the countries of the world today. However, there is a condition for God to open for us His good storehouse. (Deuteronomy 28:12) God won't bless us, our families, or our country unless we keep His commands from His Word. He gave Moses a long list of blessings, which were to be announced to the people, so they would remember them when they entered Canaan. He also gave an even longer list of curses, if they disobeyed Him. I want to take one of these blessings as an example for us, as believers, today, so we can see if God is opening His good storehouse for us.

When God blesses us and our country, He will send the rain and bless the all the work of our hands. He does not promise to make us independently wealthy, but we will do better than just getting by. In fact, we will lend to others and to other nations from the surplus we accumulate. What a blessing to be secure in our income because of God's blessings. In fact, we will lend to others, but we will not borrow. Now, I do not think all borrowing is a sin or a sign that God is not blessing us. Sometimes, we have to borrow to buy a house or a car. However, if we find ourselves having to borrow for the regular expenses of our lives or for our country, it is a sign that God is not blessing us. That is what concerns me about so many families and about America today. Many people do not have money to lend to others, and our country is 30 trillion dollars in debt. That seems to me to be a warning from God that we are missing His will and His blessings. We need to seek the Lord, repent of sins, and turn back to the Lord and His commands as a nation. If we will do that, God can and will open His good storehouse for us. If we don't, I am not sure what is going to happen.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 29-31.

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