What I'm Praying For
Is there something for which you are praying consistently? I believe there are several things for which we should be praying all of the time. Since the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing, I believe we are to pray for the salvation of those we meet and especially for those with whom we get to share the gospel. I pray we all have a list and a systematic way of praying for all of these people. Paul showed us that this was his constant practice when he finished speaking to Agrippa about the charges brought against him by the Jewish leaders. (Acts 26:28,29) He presented the gospel to the king and he awaited his response. Agrippa was touched and admitted that he might become a Christian if Paul kept talking. It was then, that Paul revealed the desire of his heart and his constant prayer request. Let's think about what he said.
Paul's prayer was for others to become believers in Christ, but he had a more specific way of stating this goal. He wanted everyone who was hearing the gospel from him to become like him. What was Paul saying? I believe he was saying that God had radically changed his like, and his heart desire was to see God make the same changes in the lives of those with whom he came in contact. Paul had found the abundant Christian life by surrendering to Jesus and being His servant. He wanted everyone to have the same joy and peace he had received. Is that your prayer? Also, let me ask you, "Is your life such that you would want others to have what you have, or are you out of fellowship with the Lord? If that is the case, the first step is to confess your sins and repent, so you can be restored to a close walk with the Lord. Then, you can be a witness and prayer warrior, who prays effectively for others to come to Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 27-28 and Romans 1-2.