The name of God, which He gave to Moses when He was sending him to deliver the Hebrews from Egypt, is very important. God's name is YHWH or YAHWEH. It means "I AM." God is the great I AM. He is always whatever we need to make us holy and righteous in our present situation. Then, God also gave us other names that further explain who He is. They are hyphenated to say "I AM ______." I believe there are eight such names revealed in the Old Testament. The last verse of Ezekiel contains one of those eight. (Ezekiel 48:35) The city of Jerusalem will receive a new name during the Millennial reign of Christ on the earth. It will be called "YAHWEH-SHAMMAH," which means "GOD-IS-THERE," or if you want to be very literal "I AM THERE." What a blessing to have a God who wants to be with us and dwell with us forever.
When the first Tabernacle was built by Moses and the people, God came to live with them in the Holy of Holies. However, only the high priest could enter God's presence and then, that was only one time a year. The Temple in Jerusalem was the same way. God descended to abide in the Holy of Holies, and the people saw His glory. Now, the Temple has been destroyed, and each of us who know Jesus as Lord and Savior, have God with us and in us, because our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. When the end of time comes, and all believers are raptured out of this world, the Holy Spirit will leave with us, except to work as He did in the Old Testament to be with people , but not in them. Then, after the seven years of Tribulation, when Christ returns to reign for 1,000 years, and the city of Jerusalem is redone according to the plans given to Ezekiel, then, the name of Jerusalem will be changed because God will be there all of the time. Finally, when we all get to heaven, the New Jerusalem, we will have God with us forever. (Revelation 21:2,3) Just think of how blessed we are to know Jesus. The God of the universe, YAHWEH-SHAMMAH comes to live in us, and GOD-IS-THERE forever. Hallelujah !!!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 1-3.