God's Rule Continues Eternally
There are many gods that are worshiped in this world, millions of them. People disagree on what gods are to be worshiped, and some people do not worship any of them, only themselves or science. However, God has a way of revealing Himself to all people, so everyone knows there is One True and Living God. Most reject that revelation, but they know, so they are without excuse for not trusting Him. In Daniel's day King Darius became king of the entire world, as the king of the Medes and the Persians who conquered Babylon. Daniel ruled the kingdom under his authority, and the other leaders were jealous of Daniel. Therefore, they trapped Daniel by having the king make a decree for no one to pray to any god but him for 30 days. Then, they caught Daniel praying openly from his home, and He was thrown in the lions' den. Of course, God protected Daniel, and the other leaders were killed in that den. After that, Darius believed in Daniel's God and made a proclamation for the entire kingdom to fear and worship Him, because He was the Living God whose reign would continue eternally. (Daniel 6:25,26) What an amazing conversion of a pagan king! What truth he came to understand and proclaim to the world. We should do the same thing today.
As believers, we are commanded to take the Good News of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ to every race, color, and creed. They need to know that He is the Prince of Peace. He is the Source of abundant peace for anyone who knows Him. We need to show them and tell them that He alone should be feared and worshiped. They should all forsake their gods, and trust Jesus alone as Lord and Savior. The truth for this world is that all of the kingdoms of this world will end one day, but His rule will never end. God's kingdom is a kingdom without end. What He desires for all people is that we will know Him and spend eternity with Him in His kingdom. However, if we do not tell them this Good News and the way to enter His eternal kingdom, they will be lost and without hope forever. Let's all speak up like Darius did, so the whole world will know about Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 7-10.