Running Away from God

 I wonder how many people are running away from God right now? It is a huge problem for a lot of people. We can know just what God wants us to do and run the other way. We can understand just how God wants us to live and decide to go the other way, instead of His way. Is that really a smart move? Of course, it's not. We can't ever get away from God or His standards for life. However, many of us keep trying to get away. Jonah is the one who was famous for running away from God. God called him to preach the truth to Nineveh, but he caught a ride on a ship going to Tarshish, which was as far away from Nineveh as he could get. He did not get far, and neither will we if we try to ignore God or run away.

Let's face it, we are not thinking right if we think we can run from the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. God is everywhere, and He sees everything that happens. It is the height of arrogant pride to even think we can get away from Him. However, we still try to do it, so we can get our own way. We want to be in control of all we do and how we do it. Again, that is not very wise. Shouldn't we listen to the One who made us, the One who knows us better than we know ourselves? I think so. In reality, when we run away from God, we decide to join with those who are going away from God. We end up going the way of this world, not just our own way. Then, the ways of this world take us farther and farther from God. We end up going in a much different direction than we planned in the first place. That leads us to destruction, unless God intervenes to save us like He did for Jonah. I pray it doesn't take a big fish experience to get us to follow the Lord and live for Him. Let's decide now that whatever God says and wherever He sends is what we need to do, and let's do it without delay. Life will be so much better if we will join God, not the others who are going away from Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Jonah 2-4. 

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