Weakened by Disobedience

As I said yesterday, Samson was set apart for the Lord's service even before his birth to Manoah and his wife. He was God's Nazarite from birth. He knew he was not to eat or drink anything from grapes, nor cut his hair all of his life. This was the commitment of his parents and of Samson. As long as he kept that commitment, he would be given special strength from God, but if he ever had his hair cut, he would become helpless like any other mortal. (Judges 16:17) This shows us the power that comes from making the right commitments to God, and the weakness that comes from disobeying the Lord.

Samson was unique. We are not all called to be God's Nazarite. However, every believer is called by God to make certain commitments to Him. These commitments lead to our ministry or service that God has for us, just as Samson was raised up by God to fight the Philistines. As long as we keep the commitments that God lays before us in His Word and as we pray, He will give us strength to do all He calls us to do. However, if we break those commitments and disobey the clear instruction of the Lord, God can no longer bless us in that special way. We become like any other mortal, who is not faithful to the Lord. We become weak and not able to do what the Lord designed us to do. This is a very serious situation. Once we realize what we have done, we need to repent like Samson did, and ask God to enable us to do His will again. If we are sincere, God will continue to use us for His glory.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 17-19.

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