What God Expects of Us
Moses tried to help the new generation of the People of Israel know how to live so they would experience God's favor and have a good life. God made it very clear to Moses, so he could explain God's expectations to them. God wanted His people to live in His presence in holy reverence. He expected them to follow the road He set out for them. God loved them, so He expected them to love Him back and serve Him out of that love with everything they had in them. Finally, He gave them His commandments and regulations for their good, and He expected them to keep them, just as Moses told them. All of this would add up to living a good life. (Deuteronomy 10:12,13) I do not believe God's expectations for us today are any different because God has not changed.
What better way to live than to live in God's presence? We must enter His presence daily in holy reverence, and then stay close to Him. We must follow His path for us as individual believers in order to have a good life. Doing God's perfect will for us in His power is the best life. When we love Him and serve Him with everything in us, body, soul, and spirit, God sees our heart and blesses us. Also, when we obey His commends and regulations, we miss the road blocks and wrecks that keep us from the good life. I pray we all will consider what God expects and do it, so we can live joyful lives full of fruit from the Lord's work in and through us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 12-14.
What better way to live than to live in God's presence? We must enter His presence daily in holy reverence, and then stay close to Him. We must follow His path for us as individual believers in order to have a good life. Doing God's perfect will for us in His power is the best life. When we love Him and serve Him with everything in us, body, soul, and spirit, God sees our heart and blesses us. Also, when we obey His commends and regulations, we miss the road blocks and wrecks that keep us from the good life. I pray we all will consider what God expects and do it, so we can live joyful lives full of fruit from the Lord's work in and through us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 12-14.