Using God's Name Irreverently
God gave the People of Israel 10 basic commands that we call the Ten Commandments. They are recorded in Exodus 20 and in Deuteronomy 5. This is only fitting to have them repeated here, since Moses was going over the law a second time for the new generation after wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. One of the commands is broken all of the time by unbelievers and by believers, too. Many times people do it without even thinking, because it is such a natural part of their speech. However, God has commanded us not to use His name in curses or silly banter. He will not put up with us using His name in an irreverent way. (Deuteronomy 5:11) This is a very serious offense to God.
We do not usually use God's proper name, YAHWEH, when we speak. The People of Israel would never use that name out of fear of using it irreverently and breaking this command. However, we use the name Jesus or Jesus Christ, and we refer to God in various ways. I believe any of those ways of speaking about God is what this command is warning us about. If we talk about God in an irreverent way, we are giving a bad witness to others about who God is. He is not a word to use to swear or cuss. He is not a God we should joke about in silly banter. He is the God over all of the universe, and we are to approach Him and His name very seriously and show great reverence to Him. That is why God warned us not to use His name in the wrong way. He wants us to know Him, to love and worship Him. He wants this for every person, but using His name irreverently leads people away from seriously turning from their sins and trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior. When we do that, we bring God down, instead of exalting Him to His proper position. Let's all determine to only speak of God in a humble, worshipful way, no matter what word we use to refer to Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 6-8.
We do not usually use God's proper name, YAHWEH, when we speak. The People of Israel would never use that name out of fear of using it irreverently and breaking this command. However, we use the name Jesus or Jesus Christ, and we refer to God in various ways. I believe any of those ways of speaking about God is what this command is warning us about. If we talk about God in an irreverent way, we are giving a bad witness to others about who God is. He is not a word to use to swear or cuss. He is not a God we should joke about in silly banter. He is the God over all of the universe, and we are to approach Him and His name very seriously and show great reverence to Him. That is why God warned us not to use His name in the wrong way. He wants us to know Him, to love and worship Him. He wants this for every person, but using His name irreverently leads people away from seriously turning from their sins and trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior. When we do that, we bring God down, instead of exalting Him to His proper position. Let's all determine to only speak of God in a humble, worshipful way, no matter what word we use to refer to Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 6-8.