Sin's Reach
The People of Israel won a great victory at Jericho. They obeyed God's battle plan, the walls fell, and they took over the city. It was a glorious victory, they thought. However, when they went to the small town of Ai, something went terribly wrong. They army of Israel was routed, and 36 men were killed. What a sudden turn of events, going from great victory to humiliating defeat. Why did this happen? Israel sinned. They took some of the forbidden plunder and hid it in their own stuff, thinking that they could get away with it. (Joshua 7:10,11) This was the consequence of sin, but I want us to see the "reach of sin."
The People of Israel were defeated because "they" sinned. Who was they? It was one man named Achan. He saw some valuables as he went through the city of Jericho, and he hid them in his tent, among His stuff. The sin of one man became the sin of all the people of Israel. "That was not fair," you say. God said it was fair. God showed them that the sin of one man reached to all of the people. It caused 36 men to die. It caused the People of Israel to be hindered from advancing through the land of Canaan. Until this one sin was confessed and punished, all Israel was held back from victory. I believe this is still true today, when it comes to families, churches, and other groups of believers. God expects us to encourage one another, but also to correct one another, when we see the sins of other believers. God is looking for us to grow together by keeping our covenant with Him, so when one person sins, that sin reaches to others. It should teach us to hate sin, and to deal with it quickly and diligently. I pray we will not be the one holding back our family or church and causing defeat to come. I pray we will not let the sins of others go unchallenged, because we know those sins hurt all of us. Never forget the reach of sin.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 8-11.
The People of Israel were defeated because "they" sinned. Who was they? It was one man named Achan. He saw some valuables as he went through the city of Jericho, and he hid them in his tent, among His stuff. The sin of one man became the sin of all the people of Israel. "That was not fair," you say. God said it was fair. God showed them that the sin of one man reached to all of the people. It caused 36 men to die. It caused the People of Israel to be hindered from advancing through the land of Canaan. Until this one sin was confessed and punished, all Israel was held back from victory. I believe this is still true today, when it comes to families, churches, and other groups of believers. God expects us to encourage one another, but also to correct one another, when we see the sins of other believers. God is looking for us to grow together by keeping our covenant with Him, so when one person sins, that sin reaches to others. It should teach us to hate sin, and to deal with it quickly and diligently. I pray we will not be the one holding back our family or church and causing defeat to come. I pray we will not let the sins of others go unchallenged, because we know those sins hurt all of us. Never forget the reach of sin.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 8-11.