The Oil and the Blood
The Tabernacle and the Temple were pretty oily and bloody places. The blood of the sacrifices was gushing out of the animals as they were killed. The anointing oil was sprinkled on all of the furnishings. The same was true for Aaron and his sons. They had anointing oil and blood from the Altar sprinkled on them to consecrate them for God's service as priests. (Leviticus 8:30) When someone is consecrated to the Lord, that person is set apart from this world and used for the Lord's service. That is true for every believer today, under the New Covenant in Christ. So, let's make sure we know about the significance of the oil and the blood.
God has made it clear that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Jesus shed His blood for all of our sins. His blood was the only price that would have been enough, and that was because He was God and Man, the sinless Messiah. Now, He offers to cleanse anyone who goes to Him in repentance and faith, surrendering to Him as Lord. When we do that we are set apart from sin, so God can use us in His service. Then, the oil represents the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus at His baptism, as He started His ministry on earth. He needed that anointing to do the Father's will, and so do we. Therefore, every believer receives the Spirit at salvation, and we must stay filled with the Spirit, so that He controls, guides and empowers our lives for serving God. That is why without the oil and the blood we can't serve the Lord,
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 9-12.
God has made it clear that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Jesus shed His blood for all of our sins. His blood was the only price that would have been enough, and that was because He was God and Man, the sinless Messiah. Now, He offers to cleanse anyone who goes to Him in repentance and faith, surrendering to Him as Lord. When we do that we are set apart from sin, so God can use us in His service. Then, the oil represents the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus at His baptism, as He started His ministry on earth. He needed that anointing to do the Father's will, and so do we. Therefore, every believer receives the Spirit at salvation, and we must stay filled with the Spirit, so that He controls, guides and empowers our lives for serving God. That is why without the oil and the blood we can't serve the Lord,
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 9-12.