Never Yeast, Always Salt
Leviticus is a book filled with instructions about the ways that the Israelites were to perform their worship of the Lord. It can get to be kind of repetitious, as all of the offerings and sacrifices are explained in detail. It is also hard for us to concentrate on each one, because we do not have these things in our worship today. However, as we read we can pick up subtle things that have a great deal of meaning for us today. Sometimes those things point to Jesus and His sacrifice for us. At other times, they point out principles that we still need to consider today. One such instance was what Moses was told about never burning yeast in any offerings, but always including salt in every offering. (Leviticus 2:11,13) Let's consider why God told Israel these things and what it means to us.
Yeast or leaven is a symbol of sin in the Bible. It is a picture for all of us as to how sin spreads to grow and affect more and more people once it is introduced into our life. Therefore, we must get rid of all sin before we go to the Lord in personal worship or corporate worship. If we come to Him without confessing our sins and repenting of them, He will not receive our worship. Also, the salt was put in the sacrifices as a preservative. It was the salt of the covenant. God always keep His covenants with us, but the salt was a symbol of us keeping our part of the covenant with Him. If we are failing to do what we should do to be obedient to the Lord, He does not receive our worship. He knows it is hollow, since we are not serious about following Him. In fact, we worship God, not only by singing, praying, and hearing sermons, but we worship Him by honoring Him by all we do. If we do His will well and have the right motives, that is powerful worship.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 3-5.
Yeast or leaven is a symbol of sin in the Bible. It is a picture for all of us as to how sin spreads to grow and affect more and more people once it is introduced into our life. Therefore, we must get rid of all sin before we go to the Lord in personal worship or corporate worship. If we come to Him without confessing our sins and repenting of them, He will not receive our worship. Also, the salt was put in the sacrifices as a preservative. It was the salt of the covenant. God always keep His covenants with us, but the salt was a symbol of us keeping our part of the covenant with Him. If we are failing to do what we should do to be obedient to the Lord, He does not receive our worship. He knows it is hollow, since we are not serious about following Him. In fact, we worship God, not only by singing, praying, and hearing sermons, but we worship Him by honoring Him by all we do. If we do His will well and have the right motives, that is powerful worship.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 3-5.