The Time of Jacob's Trouble

The descendants of Jacob or Israel, as we refer to them now, have seen many times of trouble. However, God has saved them out of them all. These times of trouble were brought on them by the Lord for various reasons. They fell into slavery in Egypt after following Joseph there, so God could bring them out miraculously and take them to the Promised Land. Even then, they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, because of unbelief. In Jeremiah's day, they suffered the exile for 70 years, but God brought them back. At the end of time here on earth there will be one more time of trouble for Jacob. Jeremiah foretold it. (Jeremiah 30:7) It will be like no other time, but God will save the Jewish people out of it, too. Let's think about the time of Jacob's trouble.

One day the Rapture will take place. Jesus will come in the clouds to receive all of the people who have ever been saved, as He gives us our eternal bodies. We will be in heaven with Him for 7 years. On earth things will get worse and worse. If God doesn't shorten that time, all of the people alive would be killed or die. However, during that time, Israel will be persecuted by the Antichrist. They will realize Jesus is Lord, after the Rapture, and all of the Jews who are alive then will turn to Jesus and be saved. (Romans 11:25-27) That is wonderful, but it will not be easy. God will shield them from Satan's attacks, but the whole world will be against them. They will be cut off, and Jesus will come rescue them, just as the battle of Armageddon is about to begin. We call this the Tribulation, but it is also the time of Jacob's trouble, so they will turn to Jesus and have eternal life. I pray that if you do not know Jesus now, you will repent of your sins, trust Jesus as your personal Savior, and surrender to Him as Lord of your life today. Tomorrow could be too late.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 31-33..

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