Set Apart By God
Many people have a false concept of salvation. They think that salvation is simply being forgiven for their sins. That is part of being saved, but there is so much more to it than just being forgiven. Yes, we get eternal life, too, but that is not what I am talking about either. When we put our trust in the Lord Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, God does something drastic for us. He sets us apart for Himself, and He sets us apart from the world. In fact, that is why we must repent and to turn to the Lord in faith. We must want to belong to Him and to put away the things of this world, and then, He does that for us. He adopts us into His family, and we are a citizen of heaven, no longer citizens of this world. That is why the Lord told the Israelites to keep His commands. (Leviticus 22:31,32) I pray that we all understand this very important truth.
Our God is the Lord of all. He is the Boss. He made everything, and He can tell us what to do, and we should listen for those reasons. We should never do anything to profane His holy name. We have been set apart for Him, so we should be eternally thankful to Him for doing that for us. We could never save ourselves, but He does it by His grace. Then, we are to treat Him as holy, so others will know He is Lord and come to know Him, too. If we fail to keep His commands, we are profaning His name. We are giving others a false impression of God, since we are His children now. We should represent our Father well by doing all that He commands us freely and joyfully. Then, He gets all of the glory and honor He deserves for loving us and bringing us into His family through trusting Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 23-25.
Our God is the Lord of all. He is the Boss. He made everything, and He can tell us what to do, and we should listen for those reasons. We should never do anything to profane His holy name. We have been set apart for Him, so we should be eternally thankful to Him for doing that for us. We could never save ourselves, but He does it by His grace. Then, we are to treat Him as holy, so others will know He is Lord and come to know Him, too. If we fail to keep His commands, we are profaning His name. We are giving others a false impression of God, since we are His children now. We should represent our Father well by doing all that He commands us freely and joyfully. Then, He gets all of the glory and honor He deserves for loving us and bringing us into His family through trusting Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 23-25.